Affiliate program

Affiliates of 6GNC are contributing to the evolution of 5G and the development of 6G. The affiliate program is open to companies, government agencies, and collaborating organizations.

Benefits to members of 6GNC includes the following:

  • Direct support of research in your area of interest.
  • Seat on the advisory board (up to two per entity).
  • Annual board meeting with an overview of 6GNC activities, demos, and a student poster session.
  • Graduate student resume book for internship and full-time recruiting.
  • Remote presentations given by PIs in the center throughout the year.

Of course, the main benefit is being at the cutting edge of wireless communications research. By working with us, you will be exposed to a roadmap that includes circuits, antennas, communications, signal processing, machine learning, networking, and machine learning leading to the advancement of frontiers of cellular communications.

Check out Get Involved for information about supporting research and become an affiliate member of 6GNC. You may also reach out to Prof. Robert W. Heath Jr. or Prof. Nuria Gonzalez Prelcic or any of the faculty in Research Areas for more information.