Get involved

The best way to get involved with 6GNC? Support our research mission.

6GNC brings academics together with industry and government stakeholders including traditional cellular companies, government research labs, and domain experts. There are many ways to get involved with research. Unlike other programs, there is no mandatory affiliate membership fee tax on your project.

We have a flexible model for engagement. Our main requirement for sponsors is to contribute funds or equipment to support the mission of advancing wireless technology. The general expected level of support is one or more graduate students for a year. Of course, we welcome multi-year and interdisciplinary projects. To become an affiliate member:

  • You may make a donation in the form of a gift or equipment. We use gifts to further the general mission of 6GNC in requested directions of interest.
  • You may sponsor 5G/6G or related research at NC State. Sponsoring research requires contract negotiation but comes with contractual benefits on deliverables and intellectual property.
  • You may join the Broadband Wireless Access & Applications Center (BWAC) affiliate program. This is an NSF funded IUCRC program on wireless communications that has a number of additional benefits, including sponsored projects at a special reduced overhead rate. Contact us for details.

We want to work with you. Contact Prof. Jacob Adams or Prof. Ismail Guvenc for more information.